Import League Schedule

At TeamTracky we try to make it easier for team managers and coaches to manage their teams and spend less time doing so.

Adding games to a team’s schedule one by one is a time-consuming job.

To make this process as painless as possible, we are partnering with major league organizers in your area who will provide their league’s schedules.

Once a league’s schedule is imported into our system, team managers and coaches will have the ability to import it into their team’s schedule with the click of a button.

How to Import a League’s Schedule

Select [Schedule] from the main menu and click the [Import League Schedule] link.

Select the league in which your team is participating from the list.
(If you don’t see the league you‘re looking for please drop us a line at and let us know. We’ll try to contact that league organizer to provide us with the league’s schedule.)

Click the [Find my Teams] button so TeamTracky can search for your team.
Find your team in the list that appears. If you don’t see your team, it means we can’t match your team’s name with the team name the league organizer uses for your team on their alignments.
Select [Other] from the Select Your Team list, and start typing your team’s name as appears in the league’s alignments (if a match is found, the name will appear for you to select).

Once your team is selected, click the [Find My Games] button to pull its schedule.

Select which game(s) you want to import into your team’s schedule on TeamTracky and click the [Add Games To My Team’s Schedule] button.
Make sure you don’t import games you already entered; otherwise, games will be shown twice on your calendar.

 Opponent Teams and Game Locations

Importing a league’s schedule will automatically create records for all the opponent teams and locations in that schedule, saving you valuable time and effort.

All game locations where your team is the home team will be marked as “home fields” and will appear as such in the Location page.

If needed, you can manually change any record after it is created.